I have a love-hate relationship with NYC cabs. Of course, there’s the fact that they’re so quintessential NYC. The cabs instantly light up the streets and the city wouldn’t be the same without them. The cabs are also lifesavers at 2 AM when there’s no way in hell you’re taking the train to Brooklyn, especially after spending the night dancing away in 5″ heels. But that’s only when you could catch one at that hour, which isn’t always the easiest task. If it’s raining? Forget it. It might be easier to win the lottery that night. When you are able to catch one, there can be something quite special about them. I have so many great memories that involve NYC cabs!All in all, I’m more of a “I’ll walk or take the train..” type of girl. I always have a pair of comfy flats in my bag, so no, I’m not walking the streets of Brooklyn or Manhattan in my sky high heels (although I could definitely last a long time). Aside from being cheaper, I find that taking the train is often so much quicker than hopping in a cab. You don’t have to deal with crazy Manhattan traffic or even worse, take the chance of getting a moody cabbie.If you are taking a cab, awhile ago, A CUP OF JO did a great post on how to flag one, if you need a few tips!
Speaking of NYC, a few months ago I did a post on my favorite eats, incase you missed it.
Photos by Keith Hodne
this coat is amazingggggggggg love it on you!!!!
November 25, 2013Leslie Musser
this outfit is effortlessly elegant. the striped shirt is just enough of an accent to be the eye-catching factor while the supple lengths of your burgundy coat create a sophisticated contrast to the destructed jeans. beautiful ensemble!
November 25, 2013Abigail Sterling
That coat is amazing!!! I love it. Such a cute and cozy outfit!
x abigail, the fabulous life of a natural disaster
November 25, 2013Adela
So chic! Love your coat.
Adela x
November 25, 2013Caroline
elegant lady !! love this wrapped coat 🙂
November 25, 2013dipped in yellow
obsessed with that jacket! perfect shape & color!!! x
dipped in yellow
November 25, 2013Sofia Donatelli
Fabulous shoes. Love the color of your coat.
Checkout the Thanksgiving $75 Giveaway on my blog. Great for Black Friday.
Hope you had a great weekend!
November 25, 2013Q
November 25, 2013Kristin Waldman
The color of this coat is amazing! Perfect!
November 25, 2013http://www.chicthyme.com
Flats in the bag are the best kept secret for any high heel lover anywhere in the world! I loved the idea of this taxi themed pics! You look super chic in this outfit, that's one fabulous coat!
Cee. ♥
November 25, 2013Code Overdressed
I love that rich burgundy color! It looks so chic with the stripes of your top peeking through.
xo Azu
November 25, 2013pretty little things
this is so nyc chic! love this!~
November 25, 2013Natali
Fabulous coat and bag! You look outstanding!
November 25, 2013Rachelle (http://pinksole.com/)
You look polish and gorgeous, Love it!
November 25, 2013http://pinksole.com
Su nd Chris
What a beautiful coat, love this combination!
xx Su http://fashiontwinstinct.blogspot.de/
November 25, 2013jessica rose
Love the ripped jeans…there must be a knack of stealing jeans…when I wore jeans with holes..I looked a bit like a tramp….;( back to school for me!!
http://vodkaandarose.blogspot.co.uk Jess. x
November 25, 2013Christina Lau
This is exactly how I feel about NYC! I try to avoid cabs to avoid the cost, but sometimes a girl just needs a break from the subway. Love the coat by the way – I love following New York bloggers so I can see how people really battle the cold weather!
November 25, 2013Lindsay Truax
That coat is amazing. I love it with the jeans.
November 25, 2013Pinkandnavystripes.com
Dana G
Amazing outfit! I'm with you on cabs, there's never one when I want one, and they are much more expensive than the subway, but something about them is just so NYC!
November 25, 2013Vicki Wilde
I'm with you, I would much rather walk or take the train than try and flag down a taxi. Taxis never seem to want to pick me up? I'm thinking in that coat you could totally walk through this cold weather!
<3 Vicki
November 25, 2013wildeinthecity.blogspot.com
you are oh so fabulous! love everything about your look!
November 25, 2013Ana Pejkanovic
Gorgeous coat. Love the color and shape of it. Feels so cosy.
November 25, 2013Timna
Great outfit. I love your style.
xx Timna
November 25, 2013lena
this coat looks so cosy, just want to put it on 🙂
November 25, 2013Teresa
Great coat and ripped jeans! Love your look!
CHECK OUT MY NEW POST http://sapphire-brushstrokes.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/oversized-coats.html?m=1
November 25, 2013Brie
Such a fabulous look!!!!
xoxo Brianna at chicvadourbyb.blogspot.com
November 25, 2013Jenny Tsang
Coat obsession right now! Love the color, it's so gorgeous!
New Post up…
November 25, 2013❤ http://www.Tsangtastic.com
love this whole look! I'm such a sucker for Tahari coats. I've had mine for the past 2 years and can't seem to give it up. It's soooo warm. It's like having a blanket. I totally love yours, the color is perfect.
November 25, 2013heather
Love that coat!
November 25, 2013Emma Walker
Love the whole look!
November 25, 2013x
With A City Dream
melissa ward
Great coat
November 25, 2013YaYa R
In LOVE with this coat. I love the collar
November 25, 2013Mancina
the coat is pure perfection!!!! <3
November 25, 2013petiteswede.com
I adore this coat and your high and mighty bun! Such an effortlessly chic looks! http://www.petiteswede.com
November 25, 2013Cindy Aparbal
Great combo
November 25, 2013Kacie Ellis
Your oversized coat is fabulous!
November 25, 2013Amanda Joy
I have those jeans and I loveee them.
November 25, 2013xx
Love the coat, matches the cabs perfectly.
November 25, 2013Ashley
One day I'll know the love New Yorkers have for the city. 🙂 You look fabulous hailing a cab. Love the coat!
xo Ashley
November 25, 2013thetiniestfirecracker.com
This coat looks so warm and snuggly! And i adore the color, it's perfect (:
November 25, 2013Lu Ross
I love your burgundy coat! It's gorgeous!
November 25, 2013Call me M
Your coat is gorgeous! The color is so beautiful and it looks super cozy.
November 25, 2013Hannah
That coat is such a gorgeous color!
Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget
November 25, 2013Just Another Shopaholic
November 26, 2013Leah
Beautiful jacket, love the colour.
November 26, 2013Yasmine Brooke
Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication… gorgeous!
November 26, 2013Yasmine xx
Kiwi Fashion Blog
Euro-chic Helena. This over-sized coat looks fantastic on you!
November 26, 2013kristi
I just love the way you 'glam up' even the simplest of outfits!!!
November 26, 2013xx,
I'm Just Me
love the coat chic look!!
November 26, 2013imjustmefashionblog.blogspot.com
This whole look is put together perfectly! I love those shoes and that coat is the perfect colour and fit on you. Pretty as always!
xo Mel
November 26, 2013turquoise blonde
Orange You Classy
i love this whole look!! fantastic jeans and coat!
November 26, 2013http://oyouclassy.com
Maggie Adofo
That coat looks like such a cozy dream! 🙂
November 26, 2013Maggie A
What a gorgeous wrap coat! So glad you let slip you have a pair of comfy flats in your bag. Just want to say best wishes for your wedding day tomorrow (27th) – it really will be the best day of your life, so remember to savour every last minute of it!
November 26, 2013Happy Tuesday Helena xoxo
how can you always look so classy and elegant? 🙂 the jimmy choo's are fabulous,i just wonder if they're comfortable? 🙂
November 26, 2013Darkflayer
Amazing shoes.
November 26, 2013Alice Cerea
Hi dear,
Amazing blog and nice post!
I’m waiting for your opinion on my latest post!
You've decided to become the most popular fashion blogger next year?
Join this amazing new project!
Kisses, Alis.
November 26, 2013Evi
You look super stylish!
Evi xoxo
The Notebook of a Fashion Lover
November 26, 2013Gina
I love this coat! And it's in such a fab color for fall! 🙂
November 26, 2013Lissy Rojas
Stunning! Love the coat! http://privateredcarpet.blogspot.com/
November 26, 2013Chrissabella
This look is just stunning! so tempted to get the coat, love the colour and cut of it!
Greetings from London,
November 26, 2013Underworld
I love your outfit!. You look so cute!.
And I love your bun!. It’s very pretty and elegant!. You look so cute with it!. It suits you so well!.
November 26, 2013Kacie Cone
Gorgeous that sweater is amazing!
November 27, 2013Petra
Amazig style. Love these gorgeous coat special the color is pretty amazing.
have a great day.
xo, Petra
November 27, 2013shenaye
Those shoes and the jeans are PERFECT! And I'm loving the burgundy in the coat. Perfect color for Fall!
November 27, 2013Krizia
The coat is fabulous!
x Krizia
Shark Attack – Fashion Blog
November 27, 2013Jo Betty
Your coat is beautiful!
xx Jo Betty
November 27, 2013JoBettyB
Lana @ Prince2 project management
I was just guessing that you have been to NY by your outfit!
November 27, 2013Anonymous
I seriously cant wait for wedding pics.. All the be st honey…
November 27, 2013Maya
Your big day is TODAY!!! Yaaaayyyy! Best wishes Helena!
Oh and I adore that coat!!!
Love from Toronto,
Amadeus On The Catwalk
November 27, 2013Donna Louise
Stunning as always Helena.. I have followed you from the beginning and now am looking forward to finally seeing your beautiful wedding pictures, hope it was a day to remember xx Happy Thanksgiving xx
November 28, 2013Kristina
Love your coat
November 28, 2013Natalie
Goodlooking!! xoxo
November 29, 2013http://nataliealexandra.blogg.se/
I love your outfit 🙂
December 2, 2013The coat is super great sadly they only have big sizes left 🙁
Jaela Lopez
This is amazing looking
December 11, 2013Diana
Lovely coat!
December 12, 2013xoxo, Diana
Looking really graceful lovely style must taxi driver will happy to serve you i am feeling imbalance because i am from airport taxi toronto company where i am not there for you .
January 4, 2014John Frisk
u can travel easily by cabs safe and sound where you want to go..i have traveled and had a safe journey..
September 3, 2014Airport Limousine
Christina Cohrs
love that coat. Great color!
October 8, 2014Fit Empress
I have no self-control. I just bought this jacket 100% based on your photographs. That color is perfect and the shawl collar is just luscious.
October 15, 2014tailoredandtrue
I absolutely love this look. The coat and heels combo is killer. Beautiful.
October 25, 2014Linda Andrews Robinson
$195.00 and if you spend $200 you can get $50.00 off the next few days!
October 30, 2014Ashley
Love this coat color!
December 8, 2014Michele Ward
une application destinée à faciliter la localisation et réservation d’un taxi se trouvant dans une même zone que le client qui parfois a du mal à le localiser alors qu’il se trouve à moins d’un bloc de sa position.
Taxi-Diali, comme son nom l’indique clairement, c’est une application bien adaptée à tout téléphone mobile fonctionnant sous le système Android. Une fois téléchargée dans chaque portable, du client et du chauffeur de taxi, elle permet à ce dernier d’être facilement repéré par son client qui cherche patiemment un taxi.
Bien sur, pour le client dès que l’application lui signale la présence d’un taxi ou plusieurs dans la même zone où il se trouve, il aura toute la latitude de choisir et de faire appel à celui qui lui convient le mieux puisque toutes les coordonnées du taxi sont affichées dans son écran. Lorsque le client valide son choix pour tel taxi , le chauffeur du dit taxi peut également identifier la position de l’appelant grâce à la géolocalisation intégrée dans l’application et rappliquer directement à sa position sans qu’il ne lui la donne.
Taxi Diali est un service gratuit qui permet de faire gagner beaucoup de temps et épargner des attentes indéterminées à tous ceux qui sont en déplacement dans une grande ville ou tout simplement à ceux qui veulent pour une raison ou une autre
Find your taxi with one click
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[…] 1, фото 2, фото 3, фото […]
August 31, 2016Must Have Fall Blazers and Coats That Won't Make You Feel Frumpy - Married my sugar daddy
[…] Brooklyn Blonde has Styled this Tahari Marla Shawl-Collar Wrap Coat to Perfection. […]
October 14, 2016WINTER WISHLIST - It's Selja
[…] 1 | 2 | 3 […]
November 17, 2016Asep sukasep
You look pretty with jeans.
February 5, 2017