Coat: French Connection | Turtleneck: Nordstrom | Denim: Topshop | Boots: Stuart Weitzman ‘All Legs..’ | Sunglasses: Dior | Bag: Gucci
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! I spent the weekend running some errands, including getting ready for a bunch of my girlfriends to come over for a holiday potluck. The timing was perfect as we recently got the farm table we’ve been waiting for, so now we’re fully (well, almost) ready to entertain. I’ll definitely be sharing a home update very soon!
Pregnancy Update: This Thursday, I’ll be 23 weeks pregnant! It’s crazy because when I wear fitted clothes, it’s definitely obvious, but in certain things, I still feel like it looks like I just gained a few holiday pounds. I really don’t think I’ve officially “popped,” but what do I know.
I’m back at the gym several times a week and I’ll tell you guys what, it definitely feels harder, but I’m pushing through it, without pushing myself too much. I also walk a ton, so that’s definitely a huge factor in keeping myself active and in shape. In the first trimester I gained about 6 pounds and in the second roughly 5 pounds, so about 10-12lbs altogether. I’m definitely not “eating for two,” but more like 300-350 extra calories a day, which is what’s recommended in the second trimester. As I mentioned in my first post, it was so much harder in the first trimester because I constantly felt like I was violently hungover, so making healthy choices was the last thing I cared about. At this point, my body is back to craving the usual foods I enjoyed pre pregnancy, which certainly includes carbs for breakfast (I’ve always been a “I need carbs for breakfast” girl) and then loads of greens and veggies throughout the rest of my day. One will that hasn’t changed, I can’t go one day without having a piece of chocolate or something sweet. With the holidays being here, maybe it’s been a few pieces…. I also always keep my stomach full. I eat every two hours from morning to the evening. Once 8PM rolls around and after dinner, if I’m still hungry, I might have some cereal or some veggies with hummus.
The most exciting/crazy thing of all is that I finally felt my first kick over the weekend and since then, I’ve been feeling it on a daily basis. Definitely makes everything so much more real.
All in all, I feel pretty great! I can still comfortably wear heels, even though I’ve gotten my share of comments how “It wont be long until you stop..” and I sometimes forget that I’m even pregnant. The only thing I will say, sleeping has definitely gotten a lot harder. I’ve always been a stomach sleeper, so now that I’m forced to be on my side, I toss and turn all night long. I know I should order a body pillow (any recommendations?) and hopefully I’ll fall into a groove, but that’s my ONLY complaint.
Let me know if you guys are still interested in reading my updates and if so, I’ll continue to do a Monday check-in!
heather epstein
congrats! i don't think i even realized you were pregnant. i'm seeing trend here within the blogger community 🙂
PS there have been plenty of ladies at my gym who train and do bootcamp while preggo. I think its good to still be active esp if you were prior.
December 14, 2015heather
sanssouci •
Beautiful outfit! Love your black and denim layering with the burgundy touch! Congrats for your baby you look lovely!
December 14, 2015http://www.sanssouci.website
Sasa Zoe
Would love to hear more about this update! So good to know all these. You look great:P
Shall We Sasa
December 14, 2015Tasha Juli
Glad to hear you're feeling better! You look lovely, love that Gucci bag!
December 14, 2015Tasha Juli
You look so pretty! Love the pop of burgundy! Congratulations for this new time of your life!
December 14, 2015Street style city
Looking good!
My blog: Street Style City
December 14, 2015Elizabeth T.
I really can't tell you gained weight even though you're wearing a fitted outfit in this post. Loving this chic look <3
And aww I hope things will get better, especially in the sleep department 🙂
XO, Elizabeth
December 14, 2015http://clothestoyouuu.com/
Joy Shiness
Love the boots !
December 14, 2015Damaris
You look fabulous!! Looking forward to Monday pregnancy updates!
December 14, 2015alyssa amato
You look stunning! Love the classic black and denim outfit especially with these over the knee boots. So chic! xx
December 14, 2015Sydney Frey
I am in shock that you are 23 weeks pregnant I had to take a double take. You look great. It is my dream to be a blogger living in Brooklyn I am so jealous. I love this outfit very classic black and I love the tall boots very elegant. The pop of color with the purse is great!
December 14, 2015Heidi Hendricksen
Love the pregnancy update! So happy things are going smoothly for you. Of course you look beautiful, as always.
Wishes & Reality
December 14, 2015Natali
It's great to read that you're feeling great and that the pregnancy is going well. Feeling the baby kick is an incredible moment and nothing is ever the same after that. You really do realise then that there's a new life growing inside of you and that in some weeks it will be a tiny little human coming to this world. Absolutely mind-blowing fact!! 🙂 Enjoy it!
December 14, 2015Janessa Eberle
Congrats! You're so lucky! You look great – and I love this outfit! Something I will definitely try out!
December 14, 2015Annelie
You look great!
December 14, 2015I wore heel throughout my pregnancy and until my daughter could walk or try to run away from me 🙂 she is now 4 years old and most of the times I choose to eat a trainer or a low heeled boot cos heels in the playground looks and feels silly. You most definitely do t have to stop wearing heels, but you might have a break as I felt I have changed my attitude to heels and wear them for date nights or when I want to snap out of mommy uniform 😉 good luck, it's fun most of the times… Xoxo
Patricia G.
Nice boots!! Cool look!
December 14, 2015xoxo
Mónica Lopez
Perfect boots , love it!
December 14, 2015Ale Bellaire
I was wearing high heels up to the end, and yes, got hungry all the time too. It's really nice to stay on the healthy side of weight gain, because then you will lose it really easy too. It seems like you're getting the nice pregnancy hair.
December 14, 2015Jalisa G
Aw, Helena, this was so lovely reading more about your pregnancy experience. You look gorgeous and you definitely have that pregnancy glow 🙂 I hope you're having a wonderful start to your week so far!
December 14, 2015http://www.thestylecontour.com
Nataly G
Wow absolutely beautiful outfit! Love it. Staying strong through the pregnancy as well, that's amazing! Happy for you!
December 15, 2015Margo
Congrats! You look amazing. I had a LOT of trouble sleeping during pregnancy and had heard mixed reviews, but the Snoogle – http://www.amazon.com/Leachco-Snoogle-Total-Pillow-White/dp/B0000635WI – really worked for me. That PLUS as my belly got bigger I had to put a deflated pillow under my belly. Yes, I slept in a mound of pillows. My husband said he used to cling to his edge of the bed ha! Not to scare you, and I hope you don't have this, but as my pregnancy went on I got terrible charlie horses several times a night – no matter how much water, how many bananas, coconut water, extra vitamins whatever I ate/drank didn't help. Snoogle relieved some of my sleep issues. Good luck!
December 15, 2015Anonymous
+1 for the snoogle. don't wait until you think you need it. you do! best thing I've purchased so far. enjoy it!
December 15, 2015Chic Beat
Congrats! Looking radiant than ever!
December 15, 2015http://chicbeatblog.com
Candace Howard
You look great Helena!! I'm already lovin' your pregancy style : )
December 15, 2015http://www.liveloveandREAD.com
Bella B
You look wonderful, I love those boots they are killer
December 15, 2015Amy Paz
Fashion women! I like you!
December 15, 2015prom dresses on sale
Aww…that's so amazing that you felt the first little kick. You seriously look so beautiful pregnant. Your bump is so cute!
I really like these updates, so I vote yes to having a Monday check in 🙂
xo Azu
December 15, 2015gizem gider
Congratulations! I'm happy for you. 🙂
December 15, 2015Also I really really love your boots. ^_^
Even though the pregnancy/baby topic is no where near accurate in my life, I very much enjoy reading these updates! So a weekly pregnancy update sounds good to me 🙂
December 15, 2015TheBohoFlow
Such a cool sleek look, I'm so happy for you!
December 15, 2015http://www.thebohoflow.com/2015/12/05/turtleneck-dress/
With love,
Ludo Andréa
Love this outfit, those boots are amazing and looks so nice on you
December 15, 2015Nissi Mendes
I'm in love with your bag!!
♥ Nissi
December 15, 2015http://www.nissimendes.ch
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Beth Norton
Helena I absolutely love reading your updates! This is such an exciting time in your life and it's pleasure to be following your journey. Plus you look absolutely fantastic! You're glowing.
Beth x
December 15, 2015Vale ♥
I loved the pregnancy update, Helena ! You look wonderful and in great shape, good that you are still hitting the gym and also wearing heels ! Your look is fabulous and I look forward to your next updates 🙂 Kisses
Fashion and Cookies – fashion blog
December 15, 2015Desimira Buenrostro
I enjoyed reading your pregnancy update, you look lovely! Great job on staying healthy during your pregnancy.
December 15, 2015Tara T. R.
Yes to pregnancy updates! You look wonderful 🙂
December 15, 2015Unknown
love the updates, so cute and exciting for you guys. XOXO
December 15, 2015Lina
Loved the pregnancy update! You still look so fabulous and I'm sure that will be the case even when you're nine months pregnant! xx
December 15, 2015http://www.linaenroute.com
Morgan Harris
Your bag is amazing! I love seeing your pregnancy updates. Glad to hear everything is going well!
December 15, 2015Brown Eyed Toast
Congrats! You look great!! It's inspiring to see how you are still working out and being conscious of caring for your body. Wishing you all the best!
xo Soo | http://www.BrownEyedToast.com
December 15, 2015Kamari Kids
Congratulations Helena! You look gorgeous. This is Maria from Girlonsycamore. My friend and I just launched a rock n roll inspired children's boutique. We would love to send you something when the little one is born. Check us out at http://www.kamarikids.com. Wishing you a safe and easy pregnancy and delivery, and yes keep up with the updates…love it. Happy Holidays!
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December 16, 2015TopWedding
Congrats on your exciting baby news!! Definitely keep the pregnancy updates coming! 🙂
Love your style & your blog!
December 16, 2015a long-time reader, first-time commenter
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December 16, 2015Kate
This is such a cute outfit! I love those boots–and congrats on your pregnancy! What a special time <3
December 16, 2015Osiarah Blog
I really like your outfit! Nice Boots 🙂
Camy xx
December 16, 2015Arteresa Lewis
Love this outfit…simple yet stylish!! Your boots are amazing!
December 17, 2015MAC
::Patiently waits for the next baby update:: I'm so excited for you. Congrats again!
December 17, 2015PSLily Boutique
Congrats! You look gorgeous 🙂
December 18, 2015Lily | pslilyboutique.com
December 20, 2015Vanessa Ciliberto
you look great!
December 21, 2015TheVogueWord
Crazy for this classic & casual look.
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