Zara Blazer, Forever21 Faux Leather Shorts, H&M Striped Shirt, Christian Louboutin Shoes, Karen Walker Sungalsses, Vintage Chanel Bag, Jewelry: Rachel Leigh, HRH Collection, YSL. Lipstick: MAC Show Orchid.
I’ve recently starting going to yoga on a regular basis (I’ve been before, but it was always randomly and not consistently) and I must say, I really love it. There are definite physical benefits (almost able to do a split, something I haven’t been able to do since i was 17!), but I love the other benefits as well. I always leave the class feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. The message at the end of yesterdays class was “happiness is a choice,” which I happen to be a big believer of. It’s so easy to forget in the midst of our daily lives, stresses, work, school, family..etc, but the the little reminders that it really is up to us, always help put things into perspective. Just wanted to share my ramblings of the day.
I’ve recently starting going to yoga on a regular basis (I’ve been before, but it was always randomly and not consistently) and I must say, I really love it. There are definite physical benefits (almost able to do a split, something I haven’t been able to do since i was 17!), but I love the other benefits as well. I always leave the class feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. The message at the end of yesterdays class was “happiness is a choice,” which I happen to be a big believer of. It’s so easy to forget in the midst of our daily lives, stresses, work, school, family..etc, but the the little reminders that it really is up to us, always help put things into perspective. Just wanted to share my ramblings of the day.
This is so so soooo freakin' amazing! Love that blazer, love everything that's pink! 🙂
May 18, 2011xox
Love everything, as usual! That hot pink is just gorgeous on you.
May 18, 2011I just got back into yoga too and I feel the same way, it's addicting. So glad I can go regularly now that the kids are old enough to leave for a while.
I love yoga too, at first i hated it but somehow i ended up liking it way more than pilates! Love the outfit.
May 18, 2011Anna Jane
i definitely need to get back into yoga…i feel like it centers me.
and about that jacket…it's so great! might need to pick one up after mexico 🙂
May 18, 2011Queen.OnSet
I am doing Pilates now but I def still want to try yoga out to see what the difference is.
love the colour of your blazer 🙂
May 18, 2011Collections
Love this outfit. You look fabulous! Honestly I'm horrible at yoga (if that's even possible). I used to take it in college for my gym requirement and my teacher always used to call me up to the front to show people what not to do. It was actually quite funny. I wish I were better at it because I do enjoy it/ it is calming!
Fashionable Collections
May 18, 2011The Fancy Teacup
You look so perfect and demure in the bubble gum pink! And love how you paired your lip color as well. Glad you found an activity to bring more contentment into your life. Looking beautiful, hun!
May 18, 2011much love.
Great outfit Helena (like always!)…and I must search a yoga class near my house…my back won't stop killing me! Have a great day.
May 18, 2011Lindsey A. Turner
Love your leather shorts!
Lindsey Turner
May 18, 2011http://thriftandshout.blogspot.com
Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries
It's so true! Happiness is a choice! Well said.. I love that blazer, I have my eyes on the green version (just waiting for sales to kick in 🙂
May 18, 2011stilettolover91
You look amazing!!!! Love your blazer & your Louboutins!!!!
May 18, 2011Katie Dodd
that pink blazer is glorious! i'd loooove to get into yoga –
May 18, 2011Elaine Valerie,
Pretty in pink!!!!!!
May 18, 2011Elaine Valerie
Fashion Is Passion by Poison
I love your YSL ring!!!
May 18, 2011Tracy
Helena, you look awesome in that pink jacket! You weeerrrkk the color pink! LOL! I love the contrast with the edgy leather shorts! So perfect! I always wonder where you work? What kind of an office? I always think you must walk in the morning, and your amazingly bright and fun outfits must turn heads!
May 18, 2011fshnonmymind
I'm so jealous that you have the pink blazer, I got it in the green.
May 18, 2011Shelby
loooove your pink blazer, its gorgeous! and that necklace is amazing!! i practice yoga too and am constantly amazed at just how good it makes me feel. the teachings (such as happiness is a choice) always make me stop and think about how i can be more positive in life. <3shelby
May 18, 2011Lilaanaa
great pink colour
May 18, 2011Miss Independent
gorgeous blazer! such an amazing color!
May 18, 2011Sofiina
So nice outfit! That pink colour fits you perfect 🙂 I really love your shortst and bag <3
May 18, 2011AJ TAYLOR
I love your pink blazer. its gorge.
May 18, 2011Christine
love the entire outfit, you can do no wrong! 🙂
May 18, 2011Gina Michele
Love the black and pink together. So chic!
♥ Gina Michele
May 18, 2011CrochetClouds
I am a huge yoga fanatic, I have been doing it since I was 17. It is so amazing for your body and mind =). The hot pink blazer is so gorgeous on you. I have seen a lot of girls with those karen walken sunglasses and love them, but dont know if they would look great on me. They are FABULOUS on you.
May 18, 2011Agata
May 18, 2011WendyB
I'm really feeling pink for spring! Great jacket.
May 18, 2011K & J
LOVE this outfit!!!!! Those are some HOT shorts and really like the pink blazer. BIG fan of pink 🙂 Kara XOXO
May 18, 2011Sabrina
really nice blazer!
If you want follow me on blogger I will do the same!
May 18, 2011http://freakyfriday-sabrina.blogspot.com
I totally agree!;)
May 18, 2011Love the outfit,dear!Beautiful blazer,love how you styled it with leather shorts and striped shirt!Inspirational!;)
Gawgus things...
I definitely believe you can choose to be a positive or negative person. I hope people would think of me as a positive one!! LOVE your pink blazer! XXX
May 18, 2011ThE fAsHiOn WoRsHiPeR
lovely look doll, loving the pink blazer 🙂
XoXO-Kelli K
May 18, 2011http://thefashionworshiper.blogspot.com
Once again, I am DROOLING over the accessories!
Another fab look Helena! Those necklaces are fab. And I saw your tweet about the message yesterday and it definitely resonated with me…it is mist definitely a choice! xo
May 18, 2011eat.sleep.wear.
Loving the pop of color here! And I especially LOVE all ur necklaces. We need to meet soon girl! xoxo Kim http://www.eatsleepwear.com
May 18, 2011Katrin
i love the pink blazer! really cool to the black pants!
May 18, 2011Vintage & Vanilla, Darling!
I adore your outfit! And your blog is very classy and fun! I'm a huge of Chanel myself, and I love love love that bag 🙂
hope you see my sites!
May 18, 2011Belle de Couture
After reading your post, I want to go to yoga now! ha 🙂
Love this pretty pink blazer on you… the color works so well w/ us blonds doesn't it?
P.S. seeing the KW sunnies on you makes me want them even more… I just can't decide between the crazy tort style or the pretty brown style you're wearing… decisions decisions…
May 18, 2011House of Popuiel
love the faux leather shorts, I've been obsessed with shorts lately:)
May 18, 2011Carla Violet
I absolutely love this look specially the blazer!!! It's so fab!
May 19, 2011misscarlaviolet.blogspot.com
Ps I'm hosting a ver sect giveaway! Check out my blog to enter!
Prettying the leather shorts with this bright blazer is a great idea 🙂
May 19, 2011MELISSA Z.
that pink blazer is awesome and suits you very well! Wonderful clutch too!
May 19, 2011Bread, Butter And Fashion
Lovely post!!
I tagged you with an aesome award! Check it out =)
Bread, Butter & Fashion
May 19, 2011http://breadbutterandfashion.blogspot.com
Loving the pop of pink!
Great outfit!
x Krizia
May 19, 2011R
I`ve found your blog recently. I really like your style. I am from Bulgaria, Europe and I`m your follower now 🙂
May 19, 2011Annelie
Love the outfit!! After I give birth I'll probably take up yoga 🙂
May 19, 2011Jamie
I love that! Happiness IS a choice. What a great thing to ponder for the day! I will also be pondering how to get my hands on a blazer that fantastic! LOVE IT! You are the queen of color!
May 19, 2011GUCCI'ikas
love your blazer!!!!!!!!!!!
May 19, 2011MissLauraHueto
My goodness, that is such a lovely outfit!! I love love love it!! 🙂
May 19, 2011effortlesscool
perfect look! I love the mix of fun pink, classy shoes and accessories, and the black edge!
XO Sahra
May 19, 2011EffortlessCool.wordpress.com
Miss EBlog
Wow love that blazer, the colour is amazing! x
May 19, 2011Nihmen T.
That blazer is great! I also love those shorts!
Great look…you made me a follower!
-Brent (A fellow New Yorker)
May 20, 2011Yuliya
I love this look ♥ ♥
May 20, 2011Bisous
Gal Meets Glam
I love this outfit 🙂
xo galmeetsglam.com
May 21, 2011GoldBlackMirror
hi dear, i like your blazer so much.
May 21, 2011StyleFrost
Great outfit, love your necklaces and that Chanel bag is perfect! x
May 21, 2011Ebony Bolt
CUTE LOOK ! I WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR VOTE http://hdyd.keds.com/design-contest/designs/316
May 22, 2011Nesta
Oh my ! I LOVE your Chanel bag !!
June 15, 2011http://neonstars.blogspot.com/